“Come in No. 55 - Your time is up!” - Blogathon Review

The end of February means the end of the Teaching English Blogathon, a blogging contest for English teachers in Turkey. It was a nice change to get ‘out and about’ from this blog space and interact with some different teachers, especially as they are also in the Turkish world of ELT. It was also a challenge to keep the posts short as there was a limit of 250 words per entry!


Keeping the pace was tough and I have to admit to flagging a bit towards the end, not due to lack of inspiration but due to the classic teacher excuse of lack of time. I learned a little lesson about taking too much on as a couple of extra work assignments, a busier than expected start to the new semester of my MA and non-work related stuff left me with little time to write. However, the best posts always find time to write themselves!

Overall, I enjoyed the experience and I’m glad I did it. As well as some familiar faces, I got to connect with new names like Osman Solmaz and Nesrin Eren, both of whom are on Twitter and have now started their own blogs - Osman’s A Journey to the Center of Teaching and Nesrin’s Blog.

If you’d like to take a look at the archive of my posts from the event, you can find it here. And let’s not forget, despite the collaborative, sharing nature of blogs, a winner must be chosen - please take a look at the voting list and make your choice - may the most-voted for blogger win!


  1. I voted for ya, Dave. =) Enjoyed your posts too as always. It's very easy to be so inspired as to have too many irons in the fire, too. I'm there and sometimes wish I could drop something.


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