Reblog: #ELTchat: the loss of – Plan B

 One downside of all the study and research I've been doing over the last seeveral months has been a lack of time for one of the cornerstones of my online PLN activities - #ELTchat (though I have shamelessly continued to use the hashtag to promote blog posts, both my own and those written by others ;)).

I fully intend to get back into the #ELTchat swing once its summer break is over and so was shocked to hear this morning that is no longer in existence... Luckily, #ELTchat moderators always have a Plan B meaning everything will soon be up and tunning again on

For more details, read Marisa Constantinides' original post:

#ELTchat: the loss of – Plan B

As Marisa says, #ELTchat represents 'a great community of teachers'. I've recently been doing research on blogging for my dissertation and the number of times #ELTchat was mentioned by people who took my survey and participated in the follow-up interviews served to demonstrate just what an integral part of the world of online professional development it is. Once the summer break is over, make sure you join the conversation on Twitter!


  1. Thanks so much David - it's great to hear how the work we all put in has impacted the professional development of so many colleagues


    1. 'Write an #ELTchat summary' came up as a way to attract more readers to a blog. ;)


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